Jeep Grand cherokee | Clarence, NY 14031 | 1J4GR48K66C152335 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2006  Jeep  Grand Cherokee
VIN: 1J4GR48K66C152335

Recent Asking Price: $11,984
Estimated Payment: $200
Last Reported Mileage: 84,896
Exterior Color: Red
Interior Color: Gray
Certified by: PriceClubCars

Vehicle located in Clarence, NY 14031
Vehicle Options
Am/Fm,Air Conditioning,Anti-Lock Brakes,Automatic Headlights,Cd (Single Disc),Compass,Cruise Control,Cup Holder,Door Pockets,Engine Immobilizer,Front Airbags (Dual),Front And Rear Stabilizer Bar,Halogen Headlights,Independent Suspension,Intermittent Wipers,Power Locks,Power Mirrors,Power Outlet,Power Seat (Dual),Power Steering,Power Windows,Privacy Glass,Reading Lights,Rear Window Defroster,Rear Window Wiper,Remote Trunk Release,Roof Rack,Satellite Radio,Steering Wheel Controls,Tachometer,Thermometer,Tinted Windows,Traction/Stability Control,Trailer Hitch,Trip Computer,Vanity Mirror/Light

City MPG: 15
Highway MPG: 20

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